Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Walking the Dogs

"What?" you say, "I thought the Scharff's only had one dog". We own one dog. There is another dog who thinks he is ours. Today it's a bit overcast and slightly cooler than it has been so I decided to take Sammy & Wade for a walk down the street. Walking Sammy on the leash and Wade in the stroller is interesting. Generally Sammy gets at least 2 paws run over. Of course Sammy's delight is pretty much uncontrollable the moment he sees me reach for his leash. He immediately thinks we are going for a ride in the C-A-R. I manage to get the stroller out of the Highlander and Wade into without Sammy jumping into the car. We head down the driveway and who meets us at the end of it but our new friend.

Our new friend does not wear a collar so I have no clue what her name is. We first met her a few days ago and thought she was the sweetest thing who just doesn't get much attention at home (which is the house accross the street from us). I am beginning to think I'll call her "Britney". Similar to another Britney we all know and love (cough, cough), she will do just about anything for the attention she is lacking at home.

We turn to the right at the bottom of the, Wade, Sammy & Britney. All the way down the street and back (probably more than half a mile) Britney stays about 2 inches from Sammy. He turns to the right, she turns to the right. He stops to pee, she stops and waits. He lifts his nose to sniff a scent only dogs can detect, she lifts her nose. About 3 houses down you can tell Sammy is getting real annoyed. Then we pass a house with 2 dogs in the yard (thankfully behind a chain link fence) who go nuts barking at our little parade. I kept trying to get Britney to go home but Sammy is far more interesting than her front porch. I think she's got a crush on him. But who wouldn't. We turn around and come on home. At the top of the driveway I'm kind of wondering how this is all going to go down. I let Sammy off his leash and manage to get the stroller back into the car and Wade in my arms. It is so obvious that Sam just wants away from this stalker girl. But she is blocking his entrance to the house. I get Wade situated inside and come back out to get Sammy. She is not about to let him in. I finally decide to go inside and let him fend for himself. He can't let that girl jerk him around like that. Anyway, he finally made it in alone and Britney went sulking home.

I don't know if we'll attempt a walk anytime soon but if we do I'll get you a photo of the dogs.

I'm totally procrastinating. I've got so much to do around the house and Wade just went down for a nap so I suppose I ought to get busy. Grrr.

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