Thursday, September 3, 2009

Wade’s New BFF

Saturday at our church’s Service Day carwash Ansley declared Wade to be her best friend.  Although she is nearly twice his age and obviously quite a bit taller he seemed to respond accordingly and engaged into this friendship.


I’m not sure if this look is telling of his true feelings or not.  To me it says “Listen sweetie, your a real nice gal and all but, y’know, I’d just rather go down the buddy slides with my mom”.  This attitude may have risen out of a little accident the new BFFs had on Saturday when a moving hug ended up toppling to the ground.




“Umm, yah, I guess it’s cool if you want to let me ride your purple car and push me on it.  But listen, don’t equivocate this with any kind of commitment on my part.”DSC02293



“Geez, how did this happen? Women! They have this funny way of turning things around on ya.”




“Ansley…girlfriend…you didn’t mention you like to play in the dirt! I just thought you were a puffy bows and pink crocks kind of girl. Let me give this thing some more thought.”




“Yah, it’s cool yo. We’re tight.  I mean, c’mon the girl plays with dirt.  I can dig it.”



Anonymous said...

Ok, I laughed out loud. You are so hysterical in your comments. Note, he was on that pink and purple car in almost every picture....ha ha ha. I love that boy! He does have to compete with Jude, luck to the both of them....they may not want any part of it when she hits about 12.....I hope they are BFFs even as teens...then we can keep tabs on them. Ansley's Momma

Nicole said...

You crack me up. The combined powers of your captions and his face made me almost spew my coffee.