Saturday, March 6, 2010

Prego Update (including pics)

We are 26.5 weeks along on this journey of pregnancy #2.  It’s interesting to me how its flying by this time.  I think that’s partly because most of the time I am a little preoccupied by the sweet child OUTSIDE my belly. 


The 2nd trimester is treating me well but I guess I’m almost into the 3rd trimester at this point. This pregnancy has been VASTLY different from my first.  The first time I gained….well, let’s just say “a lot” of weight.  I did not exercise at all really and did not make healthy eating choices as my appetite increased.  By 26 wks last time I was no longer able to wear my wedding rings and had gained twice the amount that I’ve currently gained.  Praise the Lord, that is not the case this time.  The most significant action I’ve taken this time around is to swim 45-60min, 3-4 times per week. I’ve heard that being in the pool has helped other women with water retention as well as giving a GREAT workout. 


We have started trying to get “Junebug’s” room ready…but first we have to move Wade out of it into his new big boy room downstairs.  But before that, we have to finish the reorganization of said room.  The goal is to move Wade by the beginning of April so he get used to the new room.  Umm, that’s in 3 weeks.  We worked all day today on the reorganization efforts and made significant progress.  Hopefully we’ll be able to paint before we leave on our trip to Washington D.C. on March 15. 

Anyway, that’s where we’re at.  An update on Wade coming soon. 



Sarah said...

You are a very cute pregnant lady! You are looking great! good for you - working so hard to stay fit. We are also trying to get Madeline ready to have a little sibling. We had planned to move her to a "big girl" bed, but it hasn't happened yet. She is content to be in her crib, and so are we. We have borrowed a second crib for the time being. I would love to know if God ever sent Percy back to Wade? :)


Nicole Ferguson said...

You look fantastic!
We moved Luke into his new big boy room this weekend and it has gone really well. We were just like you and wanted him to get settled long before the little one came.