Monday, June 9, 2008

Rollin', rollin', rollin' . . .

Well, actually he's only done it once...but I'm still thrilled that Wade rolled over today. Actually, I didn't see it happen. I'm making an assumption here...could have been aliens or levetation. I put him down for a nap on his tummy as usual. About an hour later he started fussing so I went in to check on him and found him lying on his back with a slightly confused look on his face. Now is when I wish we'd splurged for one of those over-protective (no offense) video monitors! I'm hoping to catch him in action and will have my camera ready for you.

Our visit to Houston is going great. The one hour time difference is effecting the little booger a bit. No one in the Dillman home, except the dog Maggie, managed to get a good night's sleep last night. Craig & Betsy are such good sports and amazing hosts!

Hopefully tomorrow I'll have some photos of Wade and his buddy Joel to post.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Uh oh, this is the first step to mobility. Make sure you nail the furniture down in your new house....;)