Wednesday, July 16, 2008

So, since my post last Monday Wade is feeling much better. I wish I could say the same for the rest of our household! Last Wednesday or so Andrew came down with a horrible cold. You know the kind where you're pretty much miserable all day but it's not exactly bad enough to stay home from work. I really thought I had escaped...until Monday. My throat started hurting, which is my normal first sympton when I'm sick. So I didn't really think anything of the fact that Andrew's throat never hurt. When I could hardly swallow this morning I decided I ought to go to the doctor. Apparently I have strep throat! Who gets strep throat in the middle of July!?! Anyway, I've got it. Thankfully the doc said it's very rare for babies under 3 to catch strep and I am able to take amoxicilon (sp?) so in a mere 44 hours I'll be safe to kiss on Wade again!

In other news, we had our garage sale last weekend and made more than enough to pay for a garbage disposal (which was our goal). And Aunt Cheri gave us this great Jumper thing that Wade LOVES!


Marcia said...

Bummer about the strep throat. I hope you can get over that quickly!

The video of Wade in the jumper is too funny. I love how he's bouncing on one leg and kicking the other.

Anna Scharff said...

i was laughing at the same thing about his legs. it looks like he's dancing. get well soon!

Miracle said...

The layout of your blog is so cute. I love it!