Sunday, November 9, 2008

Do You Want Some Milk?

Over the past 4 or so months I have given a half-hearted effort at teaching Wade sign language.  I got this great book that explained the signs and shows you which ones to work on each month.  Well, I think I've only read the first 2 chapters.  The instructions are to start slow.  So I chose milk and have since added food and more.  The sign for milk is to open your hand wide and squeeze it closed in a fist, kind of like you're milking a cow.  Which most of you have probably never done.  For the record, I have milked a cow.  Anyway, you get the idea.  So, every time I would get ready to nurse Wade I would squeeze my hand a few times and ask if he wanted milk.  He would kind of stare at my hand like I was an idiot.  After weeks of this my self-esteem really started to drop so I let up on the milk sign a bit.  Also I forgot.  Since he's been eating I have been working on food and more although probably less than half the time. 

All of this explanation does have a reason.  This morning my sweet husband got up with Wade at 6:30am so I could sleep a bit more. Love that guy! I woke up just as he was going down for a nap at 8:30am.  Normally he would nurse at 8am.  So, I'm changing an ever so stinky diaper when I notice something.  Wade is opening and squeezing his hand.  I said "do you want milk?", not signing myself. And he repeats the sign!  Now you might say this is happenstance.  But I have never seen him open and close his hand like that. 

This is just amazing to me.  Seeing him communicate.  I mean obviously he has been communicating through cries and smiles for 9 months now but this is just mind blowing.  As you can imagine my motivation is renews and I will be reading chapters 3-9 of the book this afternoon!

An update on the sickness...he seems to be getting better. We've been fever free for over 48hrs.  Yesterday he still wanted to sleep more than usual but he didn't go down quite as rocklike as the past several days.  Also his appetite is coming back a bit.  He ate a huge breakfast.  I only gave him a few cheerios for lunch because he's been so disinterested in lunch.  Last night he would not go to sleep for anything.  He just cried and cried as we tried to rock him.  Finally after 45minutes.  Andrew brings him in and says, "do you think he might be hungry?".  My husband is a genius.  He ate a huge bowl of banana oatmeal and went right to sleep! Unfortunately he has developed a rash on his upper body.  It started yesterday morning and I though it was connected to an itchy sleeper he had been wearing.  But it's getting worse.  We're going to try to get Dr. Sandy to come take a look at him this afternoon. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah Wade!!! Signing is the best! It took Luke a long time to pick it up but now that he has he is a pro and it is the best thing I have done!