Thursday, October 23, 2008

Florida Chronicles, Part 4

I didn't post last night cause it's been a rough 48 hrs. around here.  Tuesday afternoon we noticed that Wade was developing a runny nose. Although he's had a cold before this was his first runny nose.  Before it was mainly a cough.  So I wasn't really sure what to do with this.  During the day it hasn't been too bad, just catching the snot as it drips down his poor little face.  It's nighttime and naptime that has been difficult.  Tuesday night he woke up about midnight and I could tell his little nose was driving him crazy.  So, I put him in the swing and let him sleep in there for a few hours so his nose could drain.  Last night he woke up about midnight and Grammy said "just get him up and let him watch the game for a little while".  What!?! Do you know how many rules this breaks?


Watching the Rays struggle through Game 1.


After a couple innings he went back to bed and slept well until morning. 

Then today we went shopping. Everybody needs a little shopping when they feel under the weather. He actually did better being out and about and took a good nap in the stroller.



Wade AND Grammy sitting in a very small chair at Gymboree.


Grammy bought Wade the most adorable little outfit for Christmas (you don't get to see it for a couple months!).  Of course I had to try it on him when we got home.  So, then he just stayed naked. 

The little guy went down easily tonight so hopefully he'll sleep well through the night.

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