Saturday, October 4, 2008

Monkey How-us

Yesterday Wade made his second trip to the zoo.  The first time he didn't really get to see too many animals- he was inside my tummy.  The Chattanooga Zoo is exciting for kids probably up to about age 7 so it's not quite like the San Diego Zoo or anything.  But it's still cool. 


Our zoo buddies are Aunt Cheri and cousins Ian & Sydney.


Ian, who turns 3 next weekend, started preschool this fall.  Apparently his teacher is real country because he is putting extra syllables in words recently.  Particularly words with ou.  It was so hilarious we kept making him say house, mouse, couch and any other word that came to mind with the ou sound. 


Sydney and Wade are only 8 months apart and they are best buds. 


Wade loved this turtle. He kept trying to touch the glass.


Standing in a boat.


Watching for a lion or some kind of large cat-like animal.


I forget what these guys are called but I think they are so cute.


Serious face.


Half a second after I snapped the photo this goat licked Syd.


Pretty girls.




Riding on the carousel.


Only pic that all 3 are looking at the camera!

After the zoo we went back to our house for lunch.  All 3 kids actually took a nap at the same time (first time in history) so Cheri and I got to scrapbook together for a while.

I know yesterday was Wade's 8 monthabirthday but we are having printer issues.  So as soon as I can get the "Eight Months" sign printed I will take photos and post.  

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