Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Itsy Bitsy Spider Climbed Up the Water Spout

I just need to calm my heart rate down for a minute before I can go on to my next chore. So, I'll share what just happened with you. I was downstairs (in the basement) cleaning the bathroom. I pushed back the shower curtain, leaned down and turned on the water to clean the tub. And then I noticed a little friend take a big hop towards me. A spider friend. I am not usually squeamish around bugs or arachnids or whatever. But, since moving here I have developed a little fear of spiders. We do find them with some regularity since we have woods behind the house-you would think I'd be getting used to them. I'm not. Back to the basement. So I dash out of the bathroom and close the door real fast. Standing outside the bathroom I realize the water is still running. Crap. How long does it take a bathtub to overflow? Andrew will be home in 7 that too long? Probably. I will say the spider was not huge. Probably the size of a dime. But, we have a friend who lives not too far from here who has had brown recluse spiders in her apartment on and off for several months now. These guys are poisonous and can really mess you here if you have a strong stomach (and haven't seen any unidentified spiders lately). I muster up all my courage and lunge back in, turn off the water and run out, closing the door behind me again. I gather up my stuff and run upstairs. Of course, you know the first thing I do. I do this every time I see a spider and think there's a chance it's a brown recluse. I google it. Google image. And every time the same picture pops up (the one hyperlinked above). I never get a good enough look at the spider to see if it's really the poisonous kind. But he's downstairs in the tub behind a closed door (the carpet meets the bottom of the door and creates a pretty good seal). And I'm leaving for 10 days tomorrow. I'll make Andrew go check on him in a few days.

Btw, according to the www (which we all know is all facts) with our modern day plumbing it is highly unlikely that a spider could crawl up your pipes into your bathtub. So, how does that effect Wade's favorite little song...I've been singing lies to my son since he was 3 months old apparently.

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